Keywords: histology, light microscope, fluorescence spectroscopy laboratory, spectrofluorimetry
Services available:
Preparation of tissue samples (fixation, embedding, sectioning)
Histological staining procedures
Quantitative evaluation of sections by light microscopy
Spectrofluorimetric characterization of inanimate and biological samples
Available infrastructure:
Nikon Eclipse Ti-U fluorescence microscope
MicroBrightField system with StereoInvestigator and Neurolucida evaluation software.
Mantra™ pathology workstation
HORIBA Jobin-Yvon Nanolog spectrofluorometer for measurements in the spectral range 200-1600 nm (UV-VIS-NIR) and time range 50 ps - 100 ns.
Leica CM1860 frozen sectioning machine
Leica VT1200 S and Leica VT1000 S automatic vibratomes.