Keywords: defence and security industry, civilian exploitation, education-training-research, security policy, defence administration

In the light of the changes that have occurred in recent years, and taking into account the expected changes in the field of training, retraining and further training of the armed forces and law enforcement agencies, as well as in the field of training, retraining and further training of public administration staff, the need has arisen to set up a Centre for the participation in special tenders (R&D), for participation in NATO and EU projects.

The Defence Research Centre will provide theoretical support for research in the defence and security industry and promote the civilian use of the results of defence and security research and development, particularly in the fields of education, training and research. A very important objective is to accelerate the transfer and diffusion of defence results and advanced technologies to civilian life. During the training of future leaders (both in national defence and law enforcement and in civilian life), they will gain knowledge of current security policy challenges, the tasks of defence administration and other geopolitical problems affecting our country.

Research Team
Védelmi Kutatások Központ


Gergely Kincs

PTE Inno-Capital Kft. CEO / innovation manager
+36 30 288 7039