Keywords: 3D printing, biomedical engineering, prototype development, potential medical products

Since 2016, the University of Pécs has launched several interdisciplinary projects successfully funded by grants. The coordination of development and research projects from a professional point of view has been an important aspect from the very beginning, and the thematic focus has always been on the interfaces between engineering and medical sciences, the projects can be referred to as the "Biomedical Engineering Concept".

Our research teams have been involved in the prototyping of a large number of medical devices and health simulation products over the years. The intellectual property of the potential product development projects presented below belongs to PTE and its spin-off companies.

Leather sewing pillow.  The aim of the development is to create a range of products with high realism, modularity and even customisation, which will enable effective teaching of surgical skills at undergraduate and postgraduate levels of higher medical education. The parameters of the products can be varied to mimic real anatomy, so that thickness, colour and flexibility can be varied over a wide range to ensure a lifelike environment.
Bone models. The role of bone models is twofold. On the one hand, they can be used for demonstration purposes, for teaching anatomy, or for traumatological case presentations in a fractured state. They can also be used to simulate complete bone fusion procedures thanks to their two-component design.
Heart models. Draft model for anatomical demonstration purposes. In addition, further development of the product has the potential to produce a device to simulate interventional cardiology procedures, which is an ongoing RDI project.
Human Arm prosthesis development. Intelligent, myoelectrically controlled upper limb prosthesis using 3D printing technology. Functional prototype is available, preliminary volunteer testing has been successfully completed. Currently in the advanced negotiation phase of the second round investment

Research Team
PTE 3D központ


Balázs Czibók

innovation manager
+36 30 925 5619