The PTE 3D Centre has the best equipped and most modern materials testing laboratory in the region, where a wide range of materials can be subjected to a variety of mechanical tests. The materials laboratory is prepared for accreditation to the following accreditation schemes:

-MSZ EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018
-MSZ EN ISO/IEC 9001:2015
The laboratory is in the process of being accredited according to the relevant ISO standards and will have a tailor-made quality management system to ensure the quality of the Centre's service portfolio.

Available tests:

Tensile, Compression, Bending, Fatigue, Torsion tests (metal, plastic, composite, ceramic, glass, textile)

Impact testing with impactor up to 1-50 j
Impact testing with impactor at 300 j
Hardness measurement
Determination of flow index
Available infrastructure:

Zwick/Roell RKP-300 pendulum impactor
Zwick/Roell HIT-50P pendulum impactor
Zwick/Roell Z005 actuator (tumbler)
Zwick/Roell Z-5.0 biaxial (torsion) tensile and twisting machine
Zwick/Roell Amsler HIT 230F press
Zwick/Roell Z100THW universal material tester
Zwick/Roell Mflow flow index meter
Zwick/Roell Shore A, C and D hardness tester
Optimum OPTIturn TH 3309 lathe
Optimum OPTImill F 3Pro CNC machining centre

Research Team
PTE 3D Központ


József Nagyréti dr.

innovation manager
+36 30 313 8965