Research areas
Air quality protection: fact finding - action plan - monitoring
Industrial water and wastewater treatment technologies
Noise and vibration protection of industrial and other installations
Investigation and potential use of waste from silica-fired power plants
Products and services.
Emission measurement of air pollutant point sources
Calibration of installed automatic emission measurement systems
Testing of biogas and landfill gas
Industrial odour emission reduction by cold plasma
Environmental review, propagation modelling
Water analysis studies
Port technology laboratory testing
Material balance set-up, equipment optimisation, modelling
Noise and vibration measurements of industrial performances, design of noise and vibration protection systems
Specialised instrumentation, laboratory.
Environmental technology laboratory
Chemical and environmental measurement laboratory equipment, instruments and instrumentation, e.g. AAS, ICP-OES, portable gas chromatograph, water quality measurement system for field measurements, fugitive air pollutant emission measurement system, digital sitarisation machine
Emission measurement laboratory, e.g. isokinetic dust sampler, PCDD/PCDF sampler, continuous gas analysers, portable FTIR spectroscope, temperature, pressure, humidity data logger, portable depot gas/biogas analyser with impact probe, dynamic calibration unit
Imission gas analysers (SO2-CO-NOx-O3)
Noise laboratory, noise room, MKEH-certified noise measurement instrumentation and other small instruments for indicative measurements
Pannon Power Zrt. Optimisation of water flow at the central site
PANNONGREEN Ltd. Pécs biomass-fired boiler No. 10; research into the solution of operational disturbances
Complex noise protection of the Wunderlich Hotel in Villány
Qualification noise test of the air intakes of the Pécs Conference Centre