Keywords: cell culture, tissue culture, cell line

Available services:

Cell culture maintenance, differentiation, freezing, storage in liquid nitrogen, microscopic monitoring of viability after thawing, immunohistochemistry and fluorescence staining of cell surface markers and signaling molecules
Design and execution of experiments with characterised (mutations known) tumour or genetically modified cell lines. Maintenance of cell lines in bioreactors
Isolation of cells from mammalian tissues, freezing storage, experimental use
Isolation of extracellular vesicles from cell and tissue culture supernatants
Available infrastructure:

Standard Tissue Culture BioLevel 2 Hood, Safemate ECO1,2, Euroclone
Standard Tissue Culture Incubator, SafeGrow 188, Euroclone
Centrifuge, Eppendorf 5804
Micromax RF230 Microcentrifuge, Eppendorf
GentleMACS dissociator, Miltenyi
3D Perfusion Bioreactor System, 3D Biotek
NanoSight 300, Malvern Panalytical

Research Team
PTE SZKK Kisállatképalkotás Core Facility
Field of Science


Gergely Kincs

PTE Inno-Capital Kft. CEO / innovation manager
+36 30 288 7039